
Jobs at ZTE Corporation, Unilever Nigeria Plc and Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Here are Jobs Today at ZTE Corporation, Unilever Nigeria Plc and Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

Follow the respective links to view full details and apply

  • ZTE Corporation – Wireless Product Manager

Company Overview: ZTE Corporation is a leading global provider of telecommunications equipment and network solutions. They specialize in the development and manufacturing of cutting-edge technologies for wireless communication, networking, and other telecommunications services.

Job Title: Wireless Product Manager

Link: Wireless Product Manager at ZTE Corporation

  • Unilever Nigeria Plc – Process & Pack Manager (Savoury)

Company Overview: Unilever Nigeria Plc is a subsidiary of Unilever, a renowned global consumer goods company. Unilever is known for its extensive range of products, including food, beverages, personal care, and homecare items. In Nigeria, it is a key player in the consumer goods industry.

Job Title: Process & Pack Manager (Savoury)

Link: Process & Pack Manager (Savoury) at Unilever Nigeria Plc

  • Tony Blair Institute for Global Change – Senior Manager (Maternity Cover)

Company Overview: The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing global challenges and promoting positive change. They work on a wide range of issues, including governance, economic development, and public service reform.

Job Title: Senior Manager (Maternity Cover)

Link: Senior Manager (Maternity Cover) at Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

These organizations are notable players in their respective fields, with a focus on telecommunications technology, consumer goods, and global development initiatives. The job titles listed in the links provide specific roles within these organizations. You can explore the links to learn more about each position and the application process for each company.